Thursday, February 14, 2008

ULOB- Karenin's smile

  1. Tereza and Karenin's happy life in the country
  2. Karenin's cancer
  3. Karenin gave birth to two rolls and a bee, tomas recieves a mystery letter
  4. Tereza's idyll- paradise
  5. Karenin's death
  6. Tomas is shot and turns into a rabbit
  7. Mystery letters explained- the dance and happiness

Themes and motifs

  • Camera
  • innocence
  • paradise
  • banality
  • shame
  • love
  • death
  • strength and weakness
  • rabbit
  • dreams
  • missions



This section follows Tereza again. There is a sense that she is far happier than she has been at any other time. She still feels vulnerable but not as much as before. Oddly, she seems comforted by Tomas' incresing vulnerability as he ages. Karenin;s sickness and death greatly disturbes her. However, as Karenin seemed to represent all of Tereza's doubts of infidelity ( that being the reason why he was bought and why she poured all of her love into him) his death also foreshadows Tereza's trust in Tomas and thus her happiness


Tomas has found peace in the countryside. He is no longer able to cheat on Tereza but this seems to benefit both of them. He is resolved as to that surgery was not his reason for living. It was his experieinces and emotions ( such as loving Tereza)

Narrative Voice

The narrative voice is much happier and content than it has been for most of the book. The symbols are less to do with death and depression than for most of the book. Kundera has left the heavy issues of politics to pursue the emotional ending of his characters and pass on his message for life and love. The ending is sudden and leaves one hanging. This could reflect real life ( it ends suddenly) or just an interesting way for Kundera to end the novel.


The countryside seems to represent paradise found. Tereza especially mentions this fact. Things that are banal and odd are the norm. No one has shame. Kitsch does not rule.


Donald said...

Do you think this is an effective ending? Did it surprise you?

Amy said...

it definately surprised me... but in retrospect it was a good ending to close the book with... it left it happy but not happy...twas weird but i liked it...